Miss Elisabeth ‘Liz’ Kombate – Founder of emPOWER – a charitable initiative with the aim of assisting the education of children, particularly those most in need in Togo, raised £1,000 independently and partnered with BSL to use the funds raised to buy school supplies.
Liz selected 2 education-focused initiatives, two (2) Deaf schools – Vivenda and Ephphatha, from the different initiatives that the British School of Lome (BSL) support through its charitable arm, TRACKS.
Mr. Ernest was instrumental in organising the purchase and sorting of the stationery items with the help of some Year 12 students.
Both Vivenda and Ephphatha schools were visited by Azara (Head Girl), Mrs. Abolou (Reception Teacher) and Mr. Dagbovie (Housemaster). The staff and children were excited to see us and were thankful when they received their school bags containing stationery.
In total, 230 children aged between 5 and 18 years of age (70 – Vivenda and 127 – Ephphatha) received the school stationery. We are grateful to Miss Elisabeth Kombate for her dedication and generosity to invest in the lives of deaf children in Togo.